Alghero sunset aperitivo
It is fantastic to be back in the classroom even if it is as student and not as teacher. I love the feeling I may be making progress with my Italian. It is a tiny school with energetic young teachers and very helpful admin staff. I was a bit anxious about the very grammatical test, but apparently I did well, definitely thanks to the podcasts I have been listening to and my friend Giuglia's help. Anyway, I ended up in the top class with a very fluent Spanish lady and a German lady who has spent many weeks at the school. The first hour of the day is grammar! Definitely not my preferred way to get the day going, but it's only 90 minutes and Eleonora is lovely and seems to enjoy us getting side-tracked! Then we have skills like reading and speaking with Aurora (lovely name). I love this part of the day in particular. Yesterday, we discussed The Mafia and the famous trial of the heads of Mafia - i was so pleased to have seen the superb movie based on true facts of the trial, The Traitor, in Christchurch.
Temperatures have been in mid thirties. Luckily, after a very breezy evening and roughish sea, the wind dropped today and we were able to take the sunset cruise. I was very anxious because I am truly hopeless on the water, but my classmates Mireilla and Regina convinced me to go.
Off we went with marvelous views back to the picturesque and tranquil little walled town of Alghero.
Everyone ( with one exception)loved the sailing we did in gentle winds. I am very pleased to have actually been sailing and not dependent on a motor, but that will do me now for a lifetime! The cruise parallel to the coast southwards completed, we stopped for an aperitive in a more sheltered area of the bay. As everyone kept kindly telling me, the boat was hardly moving! But, it was always bobbing up and dowm!
I am very pleased I was brave enough to go on the trip, but have to admit to not feeling great most of the time. Smoke( most people smoke here) makes me feel worse, so it was a double whammy. However, the sunset was semsational and made everything worthwhile. Wow, it was beautiful.
Andrea, in the blue, was the captain, aided very efficiently by a very pleasant Swiss man, Manuel. It was a very multi-cultural group and Italian was spoken all evening. Brilliant!
Back on dry land We headed out for a very late 10 o'clock dinner. It's amazing how many people are out with their children, little babies too. My salad was so beautifully presented and the metre-long pizza shared by the others looked, and apparently tasted, phenomenal.
Just had another great day mostly consisting of learning, walking along the beach promenade and eating! Back to my evening spot once again and dear old Silvestro is enjoying the warmth and comfort of the motorbike seat!
I am watching the cat lady as I write!
Here she comes and her loyal followers run down the road to meet her and accompany her to their dining room.
Contented cats! They are so patient whilst she organises their food trays.
I like to give her something each day. She pays 300 euros per month for food for the 25 strays and her own 4 cats. We discussed how you could not put a price on the joy one gets from helping these poor creatures. As they sidle up to her and rub against her cheek, it is hard to imagine they are wild. It is such a wonderful thing to watch this cat mother with her babies. It warms the heart much more than watching the news on TV.
We have a wonderful group of students. Once again we met for dinner, this time watching the sunset from terra ferma - my preferred option!
Best! Spectacular final rays.
Last day tomorrow. Had fabulous swim this afternoon followed by great meal with fellow students at an incredibly cheap and very good pizzeria. Will be bit sad to leave this beautiful, peaceful place, where one feels totally safe and at ease.
Very well done Barbara for going out on the water. Or perhaps I should say Bravissimo! Your Italian will have had an excellent workout while you have been in Alghero . I have no doubt that you will be very pleased with the progress you have made.