Spring 2020
I am not sure if it is because I have been home over winter, which actually was remarkably mild, or whether spring is always so spectacular, but this year everything seemed brighter and more gorgeous than ever. As the blossom fell, it left this beautiful carpet of pink petals on the lawn - oh so pretty.
Ilam Gardens, just a short walk away was such a special place to visit thanks hugely to this proud paradise duck partnership with their 8 cute wee ducklings. You could spend hours watching them and trying to work out how those little black and white balls of fluff become such elegant adults?
The main reason for the visit to the gardens was, of course, the azaleas and rhododendruns which were just a blaze of the most vibrant and fabulous colours imagineable, not to mention the incredible fragrances. It was a dazzling sight.
I haven't been away for a while, so was keen to get back on the road, this time north to Kaikoura. I cannot imagine why I haven't been there for a few years. It is a fantastic place with absolutely breathtaking scenery. First stop South Bay, which I have not seen since the 2016 earthquakes. It has changed a great deal since the sea bed rose but is as beautiful as ever and they have done a lot of work to make the track up the cliff more mnageable.
North Bay is just as amazing and, as it was low tide, I could get around to a number of the bays. It was a fabulous walk, with perfect weather, spectacular scenery, hundreds of seals basking in the sun on the limestone rocks, plus a myriad of bird and plant life. This magnificent stoney beach covered in flowers was also the home to hundreds of gulls whose cries almost drowned out the waves.
The lone tree on the cliff top stood out against the deep blue sky. I will walk on the cliffs tomorrow.
It was a really warm day, so the Pier Pub was a perfect destination after such a glorious walk. Taking a tiny back road I discovered this incredible beach. What a view. I have never seen anything to compare with this before.
It was as if someone had poured bleach on the limestone and had chiselled out thousands of jagged rocks. I was absolutely spellbound by the beauty.
Delicious local sauvignon and fish and chips, with a magical view. It was a perfect night for sitting for hours watching the ever-changing colours of sea, mountains and sky.
I can recommend everything about the garden of the Pier Hotel. The fish was so good and staff so friendly!
As the sun started to go down, I made a rapid decision to leave this lovely place and head up the hill.
Wow! I got there in time to see the sunset over the coast southwards towards Christchurch. Thank goodness for digital photos, as I just kept taking shots, believing the sunset to have reached its climax. About 20 photos later, it looked like this and I could delete the others. It was an unforgettable afternoon and evening.
My accommodation at the Lazy Shag Backpackers was fantastic, and cheap! Only 54 dollars for a double room with ensuite. Small but clean and comfortable, as were the great communal facilities. I met some fascinating people, including a couple of Americans who were so happy to be in NZ!
I was determined to check out Ohau Point , where there had been a small bush track up to a pool and waterfall where baby seals were left to play while the adults fished. After the quakes, this track became tricky and considered dangerous, and the seals had anyway made the little rock pools by the roadside their new paddling pools. The newly created walkway there is fantastic, and although certainly costing millions and probably annoying the rather impatient drivers who are held up by the roadworks, it is a masterpiece and gives everyone the chance to see thousands of seals - gigantic and often aggressive males, the much smaller females and so many gorgeous pups.

After spending ages watching the pups swimming, rolling, diving, I dragged myself away cos I really was looking forward to getting up on the cliff walk. I could not have asked for better conditions, and once more I was virtually alone, enjoying the peace and solitude.
After spending ages watching the pups swimming, rolling, diving, I dragged myself away cos I really was looking forward to getting up on the cliff walk. I could not have asked for better conditions, and once more I was virtually alone, enjoying the peace and solitude.
This view of the bays I had walked around the day before shows clearly where they used to bring in the whales. It is so good that we now simply enjoy watching them!
It was a hot and blustery 2.5 hour drive home, with strong Norwest winds and temperatures up to 28 degrees but I felt great. I was only away for 36 hours, but every waking minute had been superb.
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