Camp 2 2018 and homeward bound
What a picturesque place Zuoz is. After so many years, the sgraffiti and wonderfully colourful artwork on the houses, still thrills me. This house was one of the first I photographed thirteen years ago. Isn't it gorgeous?
The second camp was much quieter thankfully than the first. I don't think any of us could have coped with another 185- child camp. 120 seemed like a walk in the park! Nevertheless, it still had its challenges but with only two new teachers instead of eight in the first camp, it was very manageable. The team of teachers was also much less sociable in the evenings, so I had plenty of time to catch up with Dennis.
The weekend was fabulous. Once more I was torn between the lovely Fex Tal and a repeat walk around the Silsersee. Again, once we saw the marvelous colours of the lakes, Dennis, Sandy and I headed to Sils. What a great day we had. Super company, warm but bearable temperatures, a gentle breeze, and simply spectacular scenery! Though Dennis and Sandy competed for the Selfie awards, as well as of course photographing the landscape.
I am not so keen on selfies and preferred to focus on the breathtaking views across the lake!
I had already spotted the perfect lunch stop the previous trip, so that was where we ended up. It was amazing, and the water was heavenly, but still pretty chilly when I first waded in. I did, however, regret not having my togs. A swim would have been terrific.
The water was unbelievably clear.
A lone stand- up paddler was paddling across from the island. What an idyllic scene!
In Maloja, after a stop in the shade, we set off to the lookout over the serpentine Maloja pass road. It is truly breathtaking scenery down the Bergell valley towards Italy. I must head to Soglio next year.!
Next day a group of us once again went to the Jazz Festival in St Moritz. Much as I am not keen on the the often excessive display of wealth there, the jazz mornings at Hotel Hauser are not to be missed! The music is always phenomenal and it is simply one of the best ways to unwind at the end of a busy week, and to enjoy the company of wonderful friends. Of course, an aperol Spritz goes down a treat too!
Weather was a bit uncertain, so we decided on a picnic at the top of the Bernina Pass. What a glorious spot. Pity that it was actually quite noisy due to dozens of motor cyclists roaring over the pass. I have never seen the area as busy as it was that day. I think everyone was coming to the mountains to escape the heatwave in other parts of Switzerland and Italy!
The second week of the second camp just flies by.
Every day it is a joy to look out of my window and to see different cloud formations
What a dream place to be working. Even the view from our teachers' room is awesome. There are those incredible petunias again, though these are not quite as pampered as the ones in my last blog!
All too rapidly, the camps were over. Months of organisation and planning had led to two hugely successful, fun, but exhausting camps. It was time to say 'goodbye' to my second team of absolutely marvelous teachers and friends. We had another fantastic farewell lunch at the pizzeria- delicious food and wine and very happy hours together.
I didn't have much time to feel sad that everyone was leaving, because two friends of mine, Mark and Grant from NZ, arrived and we enjoyed an evening together, first with Marc who works in Zuoz permanently. Dennis could not resist a final selfie as we enjoyed pre- dinner drinks on the balcony.
Our meal at the very beautifully furnished Dorta was fantastic. I had my first fondue for many years, as generally it is just too hot for fondues when I am in Europe. We had a traditional one and also one with chillies, which was fiery, yet sensational.
After some very careful packing, Dennis and I headed back to Zuerich over the Fluela Pass, a pass i have never been over before. It was really beautiful and the roads were almost empty. Perfect!
Time to leave Switzerland again and fly home for Mark and Emma's wedding. How exciting! Hope I will not be too exhausted.
Sadly, my first flight started badly, with the girl beside me throwing up. It was not pleasant sitting there for ten hours after that, though I did feel sorry for her.
I was pleased to get to Singapore, where the decorations were as impressive as ever, and my bedroom was just sooooo comfortable for a brilliant six- hour sleep. The four hours at the pool, the walk through the butterfly garden and time spent watching the giant fish in one of many ponds in the airport, were all magic. The flight was delayed some hours due to technical issues, but we were well looked after.

There was not much time to get unpacked and organised before David arrived from Queenstown and the wedding day, 18 th August, 2018, was upon us! What a magnificent day it was and the weather was perfect too. A chilly morning, but clear and sunny later on. It could not have been better. I was thrilled with my dress- so comfortable to wear and to dance in.

David looked fabulous in his suit

And Mark and Emma looked as if they really enjoyed every minute. It was a wonderful occasion and we all loved the very amusing promises they made to each other like Emma's ' not talking when the sports news is on' and many other sport and cooking related promises.

What a gorgeous couple they are and they look as if they have lots of laughs together. I am so very thrilled for them both
There was not much time to get unpacked and organised before David arrived from Queenstown and the wedding day, 18 th August, 2018, was upon us! What a magnificent day it was and the weather was perfect too. A chilly morning, but clear and sunny later on. It could not have been better. I was thrilled with my dress- so comfortable to wear and to dance in.
David looked fabulous in his suit
And Mark and Emma looked as if they really enjoyed every minute. It was a wonderful occasion and we all loved the very amusing promises they made to each other like Emma's ' not talking when the sports news is on' and many other sport and cooking related promises.
What a gorgeous couple they are and they look as if they have lots of laughs together. I am so very thrilled for them both
It was such fun catching up with all Mark's friends from school. They are all remarkably good- looking, polite and genuine young men. Such a joy to have around. After a delicious meal and some entertaining speeches, it was time to dance, dance, dance! We all had a fabulous time.
All, apart from poor little Stormy. He was home alone!
I thoroughly enjoyed my week of cat- sitting. We became good friends I think.
So now life has returned to normal. I am gradually catching up with friends and must get started on some spring cleaning at some stage. Before that, I am enjoying looking around town again, seeing the new artwork
And I have already made several visits to the Botanical Gardens, which change by the day. The daffodil lawns are just beginning to be carpeted in yellow blooms and soon the cherry blossom will be out too. Watch this space!
Home again!
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