Suisse Romande
I set aside five days in the Geneva area just in case I needed tests, or something for Covid, and to try to see my friends in this lovely part of Switzerland. It all worked out brilliantly and Covid was not an issue. In fact, it is easy to forget about it here despite the ongoing cases. I only feel like wearing a mask in stations and airports, and am usually one of very few using them. 

Towards the castle. The wine tasting weekend, which I often did in the past, was on. Had to stop for local wine and to enjoy the music and views

Down the steps near the castle and vineyards with expansive view over Lac Leman, lake of Geneva.
Then, towards the lake through this very pretty old town.

Although chatting, eating and drinking filled most of our time, we also enjoyed a very interesting sculpture exhibition, the Gnome weg, throughout the little hillside town of Schwarzenburg. Below are some of the fascinating creatures we encountered. I particularly loved their facial expressions.

Last, but not least, Nessie, and my friends Marlis and Urs and also Jurg Ernst's garden , the sculptor, with some more masterpieces.

My next meeting with Marlis and Urs will be in NZ hopefully.
Now to family in Wales!
The first afternoon and evening I caught up with Fred and had a full on afternoon of talking, under the shade of his tree in his lovely garden. It was a pleasant 30 degrees, hot for Switzerland but refreshing after Sardinia.
Not only is Fred great company, he can cook very well too. Delicious marinated chicken with zuchini,done barbecued, plus tomatoes,basil and garlic.
After a very warm welcome minutes before hotel closed for the day and a comfortable stay in the 500-year-old hotel in Nyon,
Next day I headed through the old town
Towards the castle. The wine tasting weekend, which I often did in the past, was on. Had to stop for local wine and to enjoy the music and views
Down the steps near the castle and vineyards with expansive view over Lac Leman, lake of Geneva.
Then, towards the lake through this very pretty old town.
It was time to catch up with my old school friend Jonathan, and Ineke by the lake. A delicious meal of Filets de Perches, fish from the lake, plus a local rose. Great company, food and wine. The dark clouds which had looked very threatening earlier
Decided to shed their heavy load, luckily just as we finished the meal. Great timing, and for me wonderful to see rain again and to feel cool!
Minutes later, the blue skies were back!
Sadly, I don't have photos of my stay with friends Murielle and Jeremie, whose wedding I attended ten years ago here near Lausanne. It was wonderful catching up them and their children once again.
My final stop was with Marli and Urs, who I have been visiting in Switzerland for twenty years, watching their three children growing up, now adults.
There are a number of new arrivals though. Only two of them in the photo below!
Although chatting, eating and drinking filled most of our time, we also enjoyed a very interesting sculpture exhibition, the Gnome weg, throughout the little hillside town of Schwarzenburg. Below are some of the fascinating creatures we encountered. I particularly loved their facial expressions.
Last, but not least, Nessie, and my friends Marlis and Urs and also Jurg Ernst's garden , the sculptor, with some more masterpieces.
My next meeting with Marlis and Urs will be in NZ hopefully.
Bye Switzerland for a few weeks. I have really enjoyed the lush vegetation of late spring and all my reunions.
Now to family in Wales!
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