Back on the road again with my dear old Mazda, Ken.
I needed to have a trip to settle me down and to appreciate even more how marvellous this country is !

What more special place to visit than Kaikoura, and even more amazing, Ohau Point, just north of the town.
From the moment you descend to the coastal road, you can see seals all along the coast, in the sea amongst the waves, on the rocks and on the stoney beach. Yet Ohau is the main breeding colony, this year far too successful for its own good. There will never be enough food for all those hungry mouths.

All the little black dots on the beach are seals, basking in the sun, waiting for their parents to return from fishing.

Tge beaches of Kaikoura are certainly not used by sunbathing visitors. Hey are covered in most areas by very jagged but stunningly beautiful rocks, forced up by the power of the huge earthquake in 2016. Who could have thought that such a scary and costly event would produce such beauty.