Farewell to Switzerland and return to Christchurch

The final weekend in Europe was perfect weatherwise, wonderful for once more walking around my beloved Pfaeffikon Lake with Sarah and Maik who visited me from Germany. 

I was thrilled to have yet one more opportunity to visit Jucker farm with its lovely views down to the lake.

I just love the incredible number of different pumpkin varieties that they have there. Oh, so colourful.

It was time to say 'farewell' for 2019 to my close friends Nik and Irene who joined Trudi and me for a brunch in Trudi's lovely home, in Russikon.

And the next day to Dennis and Guto and Marco in a very nice new Italian restaurant in Pfaeffikon.

After five and a half months of travel, work, friends and family, it was time to head home. It is interesting, but even though the trips and people over the past months were truly wonderful, nothing can compare to that moment when I arrived home to see Mark waiting for me in the arrival hall, and the knowledge I would also soon see David, 

Home sweet home. How beautiful it all looked with the cherry blossom.
There was plenty to be done in the next days, but nothing that could not wait. It was fabulous to head into the city to the Botanical Gardens, absolutely splendid at any time of the year, but particularly in spring. The fresh new leaves, the blossom, the daffodils and the birdsong were all sensational and made me feel very happy to be back.

I was so excited to see how many of the places I love so much have now been repaired and reopened, like this part of the Arts Centre, where there is now a fantastic new arthouse movie theatre and cafe. 

With a trip planned to Wanaka only days after landing, I had to work fast to empty my kitchen ready for repairs to be carried out while I was away. What a job - I didn't realise I had so much stuff! Time to spring clean when I get back!

It was definitely time to hit the road again. I could not find anything!?


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