November visit from Kurt and Carmen from Pfaeffikon

After a relatively quiet few weeks, everything happened in one weekend. I was lucky enough to be asked to look after my lovely 'grand cat' Stormy. He is a gorgeous creature, even if he isn't keen on cuddles! Believe me, I tried! It exhausted him, as one can see😀

I had a very interesting Wedding Celebrancy writing course over the entire weekend. it was extremely intense but we had an interesting group of would-be celebrants, so it was a great couple of days. Poor old brain felt battered.
On the Saturday My good friends from Pfaeffikon, Kurt and Carmen, arrived and we had a lovely time catching up and from Monday to Friday exploring Christchurch and nearby areas. Unfortunately, the weather was not super kind to us, but we were lucky not to have the continous days of rain which they had forecast. We were able to get out and about every day.
My old favourites, of course, were included, starting with a visit to Travis Swamp which really looked different from a few months ago . After all the rain, it was wet and swampy as it used to be. The heavy, dark clouds  bringing the forecasted rain hung above us but didn't shed their load on us! The landscape looked all the more dramatic.

Equally so, at Brighton Beach. It was absolutely amazing looking out to sea and seeing the blue skies on the horizon and that massive black cloud almost touching the gently breaking waves.  Marvelous .

The pier, which I had visited only some days ago, also looked so different. I do not think I have ever seen such contrasts of sky, cloud and sea. It was fantastic. It was mild and also surprisingly calm on the pier.

This is probably one of the most spectacular views I have ever seen from the pier. It really pays to go out on rainy days!

It was well worth waiting for a fine day to go north to Kaikoura. We had a brilliant day, with perfect weather. The trip along the coast is so beautiful and we had plenty of time to appreciate the scenery when waiting for safe travel through road work areas. I never mind having to wait some minutes with this type of view!

And on the other side of the road it was fascinating to see abseilers fixing netting to prevent landslides, assisted by helicopters. What an incredible job they are doing. Obviously the traffic had to wait until the helicopter had stopped hovering just above the road!

It does not matter how often you visit the Seal colony in Kaikoura, it always looks different and so impressive. There were plenty of seals on outlying islands and on many of the rocks towards the sea

Not to mention those too lazy to move from the walkway! I reckon it was the one Dennis and I met in the same spot last year. He must be the most photographed creature in New Zealand and was oblivious to all the attention.

After a seafood lunch at the roadside, we went up on the cliffs above the coastline. What a glorious walk it is with not only breathtaking views, but also the most gorgeous flax flowers in full bloom.

What a place! I am so grateful that only about half the visiting tourists visit Kaikoura and most do not go up the hill, simply being content to go whale watching, swimming with dolphins or seals, or walking around the coastline. I must do that walk next time, but the tides have to be right or it can be dangerous. We could see hundreds of seals out on the pure white limestone rocks. Amazing. So good that the earthquakes have not driven them away.

How I love these bays with their turquoise water, so crystal clear. Paradise. In the distance we could see virtually to Christchurch. Spectacular scenery.

Our final day should have been Akaroa, but the weather was against us. As it happened, this was no problem because Lyttelton, Cass Bay and Governor's Bay all give equally fabulous views over the Lyttelton crater, twin to Akaroa. We added in somewhere I have not visited since the children were young, Orton Bradley Park. Wow, it was amazing. There was a newly opened cosy cafe with peaceful, pretty little gardens. Food looked great too. We had to laugh when we were given a number for our table. We were the only ones there!

Behind the stables, now kitchen and cafe, was the burial ground of the farm's dogs, dating back to 1960s. What a lovely spot for family members to remember such loyal hounds.

The walkways through the rhododendrum forests were fantastic. I will definitely be back there again soon.

So, all good things have to end, and soon we were enjoying a delicious feast at Cook 'n with Gas in central Christchurch. It was a marvelous meal and a great finale to what had been a rather damp and cloudy week for Carmen and Kurt, and yet still a week full of great experiences.
The day after they left I was lucky enough to go to what must be one of the most sensational musical performances I have ever been to of Jesus Christ Superstar. I have seen it several times but this version beats them all - what incredible voices, actors and costumes in the welcoming atmosphere of the Court Theatre.
With my head still buzzing with Lloyd Weber tunes, I then went the next day to the cinema to see Bohemian Rhapsody about the life of  Freddie Mercury and Queen. As if I had not had enough brilliant music, here I was watching this unbelievably moving, interesting and simply marvelous film of these wonderful performers. Two musical highlights in less than 24 hours. How great is that?


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