Leaving Zuerich Oberland

Time flies and it seems just yesterday that Dennis and I were in Wengen. Already a week has come and gone, full of preparations for the camp and also lots of catching up with friends and, believe it or not, taking it easy in Russikon. I am now sitting on a rooftop terrace writing this blog, in the shade because it is already mid twenties at 11.00 , with these stunning views of Sargans castle and the dramatic surroundings.
But, back to one of the placest I love most in the world, Pfaeffikon. I could not leave without a walk around the lake. How thrilling to see the young storks still high in the sky in their nest. I am sure it will not be long before they leave. Must be a spectacular view from up there, but I am pleased I do not have to be there!

The lake was as gorgeous as ever and everything very lush after the heavy morning rain. A few black clouds loomed in the distance, but never came my way. I love this view from a little bridge across the water lillies to Seegraeben. Beautiful at any time of year and very peaceful that day because nobody was on the usually super busy track around the lake. I have learned that if there are a few clouds and possible rain, this is the time to walk popular pathways in Switzerland! In Britain, it would make no difference - gomboots and raincoats are the norm!

The fields of golden corn were spectacular, contrasted with the deep green maize plants in the next field.

I did manage to see lots of old Pfaeffiker friends last week. It is so wonderful to sit in the beer garden by the lake, or by the Badi, or to go to the open air movies with good friends. What lovely memories I have of the nearly eight years in this fabulous little town/ village.

I had plenty of time to pack and sort things out. I will be leaving for NZ as soon as the camps are over, so I needed to be organised. 
I opted to spend a day in Sargans so that I was close to the Walensee and its musical. What a great last- minute decision this was, and the hotel, everything was perfect.

The sleepy, old town is very small, but extremely picturesque and colourful.  I could well imagine how life had been here three hundred years ago. 

For years I have gone through Sargans by train en route to Zuoz, admiring the castle perched high up, standing guard over the town and surrounding valley. Today, despite the heat, I made my way up to the castle and even to the top of the tower. Up and up and up I went, up very steep wooden stairs to the top of the tower. The museum they have made in the tower is well worth a visit. 

The views from the castle are fantastic and the colours were even more phenomenal thanks to the dark clouds hanging ominously over the sheer rock faces. What a perfect place to build a castle!

The timing was perfect to then set off to the Walensee, another of those magnificent sights one has from the train, but only for a few fleeting minutes. Last year I was lucky enough to see the lake from above too. What a pleasure it was to have several hours to enjoy these breathtaking surroundings, along with a very basic, but tasty picnic with a very special ginger beer. Fabulous name - Ginger Beard! I loved the label!

Imagine! huge, juicy, tasty cherries with a salad, with a 'fiery' ginger beer and, this incredible view! 

Time for yet another highlight, the musical, The Beauty and the Beast. I was not sure about coming to see this musical, but I am so delighted that I did. It was amazing. The set, the costumes, the music, singing, dncing and the story, not to mention of course the absolutely breathtaking scenery and mild temperatures made this evening very special indeed. Again, it was hard to believe that it was 11 months ago that Dennis and I were there to watch and sing along with Saturday Night Fever!

As if the musical itself  was not enough, we were lucky enough to have a thirty minute break just as the sun sank behind the mountains and the lake was lit up by these marvelous pastel rays of the sunset. Nature's wonders at work yet again.
The swan seemed to be enjoying the view as much as I did.

It was a truly magical evening and the grand finale of the show was spectacular now that darkness had fallen and we could really admire the wonderful lighting along with some powerful songs and incredible costumes.

So now, I am about to head to Madulain, in the direction of this next photo, to another world, a mixture of work and the great outdoors. Can't wait for my next adventures!


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