
Showing posts from July, 2018

The First Summer Camp 2018

Nothing could have really prepared me for this first summer camp 2018 even though it was my 25 th camp! Luckily, I had spent five wonderful days relaxing, exercising and working in Madulain, so at least I started feeling really fresh and ready to go! Walking through the quiet streets of Madulain, imagining life as it used to be before cars, I felt very much at ease. My final morning at the campsite was surreal. The cloud hung in the valley and actually up to the wine barrel, but as I ate breakfast outside my beautifully painted door, the cloud started to lift, like opening the curtains in the morning, and suddenly I had this lovely view. Marvelous memories. So, from basic but fantastic accommodation to my luxury room in the Lyceum with my own door to a large balcony with this incredible panorama.  And from my bed, this special view across the valley, with the famous Maloja snake tucked into the valley below.  Even after thirteen years of working at the Lyceum Summer Camp, I a...

Madulain and the spectacular Engadine

I cannot put into words how I feel as the little red Graubunden train pulls up at the request stop, Madulain. It's another homecoming, minus my family and best friends, yet still special! These pretty little stations along the valley always have the most glorious window boxes. I don't know how they manage to have a constant mass of flowers throughout the summer months. They never seem to fade or wilt. Perhaps the cooler mornings and evenings help them to recover from warm days ( a bit like I do I guess). The station is just next to my little home, Flurina, a very old wine barrel fitted out marvelously with little kitchen and gas cooker, double bed, dining table ( when bed not in use), heating, radio, electricity and the most amazing view of the valley from the beautifully painted front door. It was even more special to be greeted by my neighbours from last year as I arrived. It is a brilliant place to come and relax before the bustle of the camp. Here life stands still. We spe...

Leaving Zuerich Oberland

Time flies and it seems just yesterday that Dennis and I were in Wengen. Already a week has come and gone, full of preparations for the camp and also lots of catching up with friends and, believe it or not, taking it easy in Russikon. I am now sitting on a rooftop terrace writing this blog, in the shade because it is already mid twenties at 11.00 , with these stunning views of Sargans castle and the dramatic surroundings.   But, back to one of the placest I love most in the world, Pfaeffikon. I could not leave without a walk around the lake. How thrilling to see the young storks still high in the sky in their nest. I am sure it will not be long before they leave. Must be a spectacular view from up there, but I am pleased I do not have to be there! The lake was as gorgeous as ever and everything very lush after the heavy morning rain. A few black clouds loomed in the distance, but never came my way. I love this view from a little bridge across the water lillies to Seegraeben. Beaut...

Trip down memory lane in Wengen

After a busy but really great week combining work and pleasure, it was fantastic , for the first time for years,to head towards Wengen with Dennis, who had never been in this area in summer. It was so much fun to be able to show him around and to raccount stories of this wonderful, sometimes crazy time of my life when in my early twenties I worked there for about 8 seasons and then met Jim there. Very happy memories indeed. The first view of the Lauterbrunnental is always so impressive, even if you have seen it many times before, with the Staubbach Falls gracefully cascading down the sheer rock face of this incredibly beautiful, dramatic valley. I felt so happy to be back 'home' again! I had visited the Trummelbach Falls several times years ago and very nearly didn't go in again. But, with such reasonable prices, CHF 11.--, I decided to keep Dennis company, and boy, was I pleased I did. I am sure they have opened up a lot more for visitors to view, and the price also inclu...