Farewell to friends and my beloved Pfäffikon for a while. The end of 5 amazing months in Europe
Suddenly my trip is coming to an end. Nearly 5 months of unbelievably fascinating travels, both alone and often with or visiting friends and family. The last days were full of farewells. So many fabulous friends here too. A walk round the Pfãffikersee, which I so love, was a must, and I couldn't have wished for a more perfect day with my great friend Alexandra, who had travelled a fair distance to ensure we'd meet up. Great to see her and enjoy the lovely lake together. I love this view across the lake to the mountains, which were so unbelievably clear today. Not a cloud in sight! How beautiful to once again savour this picture- perfect view across the little rowing boats moored by the lake shore to the mountains. Great memories of the many years I lived only steps away from the lake and would come down in the evening to enjoy my glass of wine by the lake. It seems a lifetime ago, and yet like yesterday! I am writing this at th...