
Showing posts from June, 2019

Seengen, Insel Schwanau, Solothurn, und St. Ursanne

After two unbearably hot days in Zuerich working on Zuoz, whilst the perspiration trickled, sometimes poured down my back, it was time to pack my small bag again and visit a number of wonderful friends, most of whom I have known for over 30 years, and also some absolutely gorgeous places, little secrets of the different areas, far from the typical tourist route! How delighted I was to learn from Alice, who I met in Arthur's Pass pre- children, that we were going to spend the day at one of my all- time favourite places, Insel Schwanau, a minute island in the middle of the Lauerzer See, with the most incredible 360 degree panorama. As we did a little round trip of the island in the little boat taxi which picked us up at the car park ( you ring a little bell from there and within five minutes the boat  arrives), the mountains and their perfect reflections in these serene waters were just breathtakingly beautiful. . How much more perfect can you get? The only exertion of the day was c...


What a laxy day! It was not far to travel from Arles to Sete, where we were soon comfortably installed in our hotel at La Corniche, about  twenty minutes walk from the town, five minutes from a lovely little beach, virtually empty at the moment!. The area is evidently quite new, with lots of rather ugly appartments, but it was fine for a couple of nights, combining beach and town.  We were recommended some local restaurants and opted for Le Mistral, serving virtually only seafood. We ordered two local specialities, not really knowing what we would get. The first was deep fried baby squid, as on the left of the photo, and. I took seiche, which I thought was fish, but turned out to be octupus, as on the right of the picture. Both were rather rubbery, but still tasty. I probably would not rush to have them again, though, but was pleased to have tried something different. As it was such a glorious evening, we headed into the city, enjoying a rainbow on one side of the road and a ...

Arles, The Camargue and Avignon

On the road again to Arles. Although we were organised and booked a taxi, we got a phone call five minutes after the appointed time, to say that they could not find a driver. After a slight panic at first, we realised we had time to take the excellent metro, which is not only cheap, but also hugely efficient with incredibly helpful staff. We ended up arriving earlier than by taxi in the rush hour, I am sure, and it cost us virtually nothing. After an uneventful trip, here we are in Arles. Not a lot has changed since my last visit probably ten years ago, though they have cleaned up some of the monuments and there is more traffic. Luckily, it is still not yet overrun with tour buses, or perhaps we are before the main rush! Anyway, it was good to be back. It was sooooo hot as we walked to our appartment in the midday sun. Even the very gentle breeze from the Rhone did not help. The appartment is a bit dark, but maybe that is good because we have had four days in the thirties! The first e...